
Please consider making a donation to Holy Trinity Church, Ashford-in-the-Water

In common with all parish churches, our work, and the maintenance of our beautiful Grade II-listed building, is funded entirely by the voluntary contributions from its congregation and offerings from the local community, visitors and friends.

As part of our mission we hold events and fundraisers to help support various local and national charities. Over the years many thousands of pounds have been donated, including to Village Aid for support of their work in Sierra Leone; to the war veterans charity Combat Stress; to the local charity Helen’s Trust which enables the terminally ill to have the choice to be looked after in their own homes; and donations to help the relief effort for the Ukrainian refugees in Krakow, Poland.

In 2024, we will contribute £1,000 each to the Dreamland Mission Hospital in Kimilili, Kenya, and to the Derbyshire Rural Chaplaincy.

If you would like to support us, you can make a payment directly to our bank using the details below. Please use a reference by which we can identify your donation (for example your initial and surname) and notify our Churchwarden of your payment via the link below.

Bank: Royal Bank of Scotland. Sort Code: 16-12-24. Account Name: Ashford PCC. Account Number: 11184313.

Alternatively, please send a cheque made payable to ‘Ashford Parochial Church Council’ and post it to the Church Administrator, Mrs L Foster, at Meadow Grange, Wardlow, Buxton SK17 8RP.

Monies donated will normally go to our general operating fund. However, if you wish to direct your contribution to a specific area of our ministry and mission, please let our Churchwarden know in advance via the link below.

For donations of less than £30 we will reclaim Gift Aid through the Small Donations Scheme (GASDS), for which you do not need to submit a Gift Aid form.

If you are a UK taxpayer and would like to make a larger donation, please consider completing a Gift Aid declaration available from our Churchwarden at the link below. That way, we can claim 25p extra for every £1 you donate at no extra cost to you.

Contact the Churchwarden